Monday, August 24, 2009

August 23rd

This post will not do justice to what happened Sunday.

It was a great day musically. It was a great day of ministry too. I have to put a plug in for WILD, our student ministry. We started Sunday night and it was just a ton of fun. If you're on facebook, you should look at our page, Wild @ Kaw Prairie.

It was a great day theologically! PD really brought home the message of Grace. One that we all need for the resentment and vengeance we carry around, but one that, for that reason, we need to extend every chance we get.

Carly rocked Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats," a natural lead in to a message on vengeance. I know what you're thinking, "those people are Kaw Prairie are pretty slick!" Well, you're right, but you should know we steal (borrow) most of this stuff. The idea is getting the message across. Carly did just that sporting her cowboy hat. Nice work Carly and band for rendering that song well.

It was funny to me that right before we played that song in the first service, the person doing announcements (who will remain unnamed), finished up with her announcements and said "let's return to worship now." Well, "Before He Cheats" was hardly a worshipful song, although it did serve a purpose in our worship and our application of the morning's message. It was just an interesting introduction. You can appreciate that a bit more by watching the youtube video of that song.

In what you might call a more worshipful tone, we also did:

Here I am to Worship - Chris Tomlin
Come Thou Fount - David Crowder Band
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) - Chris Tomlin
The Wonderful Cross - Chris Tomlin

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome service, awesome set of music. Loved the "new" rendition of Amazing Grace. It seemed to harken back to the traditional version more, yet still had a fresh, contemporary edge. Cool to see you guys do it different than you did before.

    The contemporary twists on the other 2 oldies were cool too.
