Wild is the name of our student program at Kaw Prairie. This past Sunday was the first night of Wild in this new year and it was incredible!
We meet on Sunday nights from 6 to 8pm and we do some music, games, teaching and small groups, all peppered with hysterical stuff happening all around you at all times.
This past Sunday was no exception. As a matter of fact, it was perhaps one of the most exciting nights of Wild I've ever been to. We've started meeting in the Gathering place, a smaller room on the other side of the building from the gym, and we've altered the schedule a bit. It all comes together for a night of fun, learning, friendship, and Spirit-filled experiences.
I want to take a minute to thank all the adults who volunteer in Wild, caring for students and taking the time to get to know them. I also want to thank the band members who do such a great job leading us in worship. Lastly, I want to thank all the students who attend for their enthusiasm, participation, and their friendship.
I'm looking forward to this next year of Wild and can't wait to witness how lives are changed with Jesus' love.
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