Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We're Back Posting!

Another day in Mexico, and an exciting one at that.

Let me first recap yesterday after the post.

In one work day we marked out the foundation, poured it, assembled the walls, erected them, put up all the bailing wire, put on all the tar paper, put on the roof pieces and covered half the roof with plywood. That’s a lot in one day.

After that we went back to camp, with a quick stop at a very American Circle K station along the way, and had the most delicious Chili ever. We has Fritos and dogs to go along with them too. Yum! There’s just no other way to say it.

Today we went right to task finishing the roof (plywood, rolls of shingles, and tar), we put up the chicken wire, hung the door, installed the windows, and as I write, the first coat of stucco is drying. That was all before lunch.

This afternoon we’re going to put on one more coat of Stucco and then it’s off to the beach. You hear me right, the beach. If you’ve not looked on a map, we’re in Puerto PeƱasco, Mexico, a prime vacation spot for folks in Arizona. It’s a beach town and we get to partake in the parte’ just a bit.

View Larger Map

There is, however, something far more important to report on.

The kids in the neighborhood have all really warmed up to us and there are never less than 4 kids working alongside us. Christina and her little brother have definitely made a nice spot for themselves in our hearts.

Julio, the third child of the family we’re building for, and his siblings, have all found their way in there too.

This is the part you’re going to be jealous of. Today the family fixed us Tamales. That’s right! Home made, made in Mexico, while hanging out in Mexico, tamales. We just ate a lunch of those and let me tell you: they were amazing!

The family has been so warm and gracious; they’ve really welcomed us and been so sweet to us.

I guess one of the hardest things about all of this is that it’s very easy for us to get a savior complex and feel that we’re real super heroes coming down here to save the day. We’re not! That’s just the truth.

Yeah, we (and our church) made some sacrifices to get here, but we’re nothing but hands and feet. We’re not saving anyone or anything. We are following the footsteps of the Carpenter who taught us to care, who taught us to give, who taught us that it’s not about us.

I’d like to believe that He’d be proud of the structure we’ve built. But of one thing I am almost sure, He’d be proud of the not the house, but the home we’re helping to build.

Now Lord, knowing that some plant and some water, may you bring the increase as you nurture this beautiful home in Your love and Grace. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! So exciting. Thanks everyone for being the hands and feet of Jesus to neighbors over yonder... :) Wish I could be playing with those kids (and pouring concrete) too!
