Now, don't misunderstand, it wasn't a disaster, by any means, just a saga. We had times of fun, of concern, or spontaneity, of joy, of fulfillment, of sadness, of humility, of exhaustion, of uncertainty, and of many other feelings.
You already know much of the story or can read it on this blog. The latest chapter was just the trip home.
After dedicating the house we built in prayer with the family, we handed over the keys and made for market. There we bargained for a few souvenirs and then headed right for the border. The crossing there was by far the most painless thing of this whole trip. It was simply a let down from what we'd built ourselves up for.
The road after that was long, but at least it was somewhat predictable. We stopped in Camp Verde, Arizona to visit Crusty's Pizza (Yum!) and then hit the road again until we reached Gallup, New Mexico, where we spent the night.
The next morning we said goodbye to our friends from Wichita (who had a shorter road trip ahead of them) and took off a little after 7am, local time.
Everything was going as well as could be "predicted" and then we had to kick it back into spontaneous mode. When we crossed into Kansas, and thanks be to God it wasn't until that point, we encountered the winter storm you are now watching outside your window. It was about 9:30pm. We had about 200 miles in front of us but we could not drive more than 35mph. On top of that we found out that all the hotels in the area were booked solid from travelers getting off the road. So we could either sleep in the vans for a few hours and hope the storm would let us enough that we could resume travel by daylight, or we could just inch away at the road before us until we reached our warm beds. We chose the latter after a considerable amount of thought (and knowing the prayers of our friends at home were being lifted up).
We got home at 3:30am this morning, never more excited to be dealing with snow in the middle of the night, a night we could now finish in our own homes.
If you want to hear more stories about our trip, just stop one of us at church. It was a great blessing and privilege, despite of all the changes and adjustments. I'd do it again in a heart beat.
Thanks to all the KP community who supported us and prayed for us. It wasn't for us, and we keep none of the attention. It was for the King, Jesus, and to Him be the glory and honor, Amen.