As I look at it I'm reminded of the work that goes into preparing for a Sunday worship gathering. There are folks who show up to put chairs, tables, and all kinds of things in the room, and there's the people that put that stuff away; there are folks who set out the elements of Communion; there are folks who brew coffee and cut donuts; there are people who prepare lessons for kids.
I could go on for a long time talking about the gazillion people that seem to be buzzing about like bees every Sunday morning. It's all kind of a blur. In the picture it looks pretty relaxed, but it is in fact a bit of a whirlwind.
And yet, after the dust settles, we find ourselves offering anything we possibly can in worship to God. When we're done all the rehearsing and preparing, brewing and setting up, greeting and welcoming, we sit down at the Lord's Table together and we bow before the One who alone is worthy.
Worship at Kaw Prairie has slowly been moving toward a place of intimacy and comfort. I don't mean that folks are comfortable like I might be watching football on TV. I mean the kind of comfortable that is safe, that is inviting, that connects lots of different dots in our lives and creates a picture of something glorious.
Worship at KP has been drifting new waters, exciting places that we've not been before and I can't think of any way of describing it to you other than to encourage you to come in and just allow yourself to be part of the family and a part of our effort to be in the presence of the Most High.
May His presence be evident to you this week.
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