Wow, we had a great time playing in Lenexa Yesterday.
We did two songs back to back, since no one watching the parade could possibly even listen to one song all the way through as we were moving the whole time.
We turned the speakers up loud and we did a worship song and a secular song. It was really interesting to see the reactions of people.
Some people thought it was a bit odd that a church band was playing in a float. Some seemed to think it was odd that we were doing Christian music on a parade, and some probably didn't recognize the U2 song we did and just thought they whole thing was peculiar.
Then there were the folks who really appreciated the fact we were singing worship music in a city parade. The applauded us as to say "thanks for spreading the gospel with your float."
Then there were the folks who heard playing U2 and were puzzled, as though they would have never expected a church to play that.
And lastly the folks who thought it was pretty cool we were playing U2.
Everyone on the band did a great job, and the people who put the float together did too. They really worked hard to paint the float, assemble it, and organize everything. The walkers were also great. The biggest crowd of walkers we've had yet (I heard someone say). They were smiling and handed out tons of fliers and candy.
Who knows? Maybe some of the folks who got a flier will visit this blog to find out about KP. If you are, thanks for celebrating the 4th with us at the parade. Come see us if you're looking for a place to worship and be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Best tunes I've heard in my truck in a long time :) Tomlin covered "Streets" so I guess it isn't 100% secular? Did you hear the guy requesting "Vertigo"? They guys hollering for "Freebird" were hard to miss. We clearly got plenty of attention.